Andy mill aspen house
Andy mill aspen house

andy mill aspen house

Okay throw it, let it drift, let it drift, okay bump it now.” He is hooked up! It is not because you saw anything, it is because you know. You know, you tell the person there is nothing there: “Oh, it is just water. Craig guides in the Keys it’s fun fishing for a guide. In fact, Craig Brewer and I were talking about this. In the Keys you can go to a place with no light, but you pole the spot and you know that if a tarpon pulls up on the edge of this little bank and pulls right in this one place for a short period of time, you have a chance. Because a lot of times you do not have light, any light. That is the reward for putting the whole thing together, starting with knowing where the fish are going to be. Mill: Being out there and being a part of nature-how much of the hunt drives you and keeps your curiosity working versus just catching the fish? You just have to be there at those times. Some fish swim up there and lay up for a short period of time and when the tide is right-there are two tides there. I mean you can say go fishing at the mouth of Lostmans River and send somebody down there who has fished all day and never see a fish and there are fish everywhere down there, but they are just not here when it is time to be right here- right here in a place the size of this room. Mill: So you are still learning about tarpon? Every day I am always trying to figure out some little move, some little something on a certain stage of the tide, to add to my knowledge. Anybody who says he knows it is ignorant.

andy mill aspen house

There is not enough lifetime to really know it all, especially here in the Everglades. I know the whole Islamorada area.” You know what? Nobody knows this stuff. I just have an undying curiosity about the country. But I am not doing it because of one of my clients. But even on days when we have had a great day I still want to make the last cast to see if we can pull something out. A lot of times I am trying to make the day-catch a fish at the end of the day. Not only fish-you can see eagles or manatees or whatever. I have been guiding now for 39 years and I still-as long as there is daylight-I still feel it is such a beautiful place to be. I have had people beg to come home and I say, “Wait a minute, I got one more…” Years ago I used to think that I was doing it to try to give this person a special time, but the truth is I was really doing it for myself, because I just like being out on the water. I talked to your son, Dustin, and he said, “Well, Dad loves pain more than anyone I know.” So I guess the first question is what drives you more, your pride or your passion to fish? Here we are in the winter, it is cold as hell, and you got off the water last night at 7:45 p.m. Andy Mill: Your reputation precedes you in many ways-the success you have had through the years in tournament fishing and all the world records-but I think one of the things that stands out most is your work ethic.

Andy mill aspen house